
Dr Brendan Casey

CEO and member of the KNT (Kelvin Nanotechnology) Board since 2011, Brendan leads on the planning and development of KNT’s short and long term strategies; creating and implementing KNT’s vision while managing company targets.

In 2006, Brendan attracted funding to set up KNT through JWNC (James Watt Nanofabrication Centre) at the University of Glasgow as a facility in the UK’s Micro and Nanotechnology (MNT) Facilities Network. The project was joint funded by Scottish Enterprise and TSB to open access for industry to the world leading capability at the JWNC.

Brendan has built up a substantial global customer portfolio and has played a key role in the technology incubation and support of several start-up companies.

Brendan has a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Bioelectronics from the University of Glasgow. He sits on several government advisory and review committees and boards on nano, quantum and emerging technologies as well as a number of industry advisory boards.